
Vetafarm Triple C

From $18.27

Vetafarm Triple C is a powdered, broad spectrum antibiotic for all birds that become ill and where a definite diagnosis is difficult.


Vetafarm is an Australian company established in 1990. Vetafarm’s extensive range of products are designed to strict quality standards by veterinarians and are manufactured in NSW.

Vetafarm Triple C is a powdered, broad spectrum antibiotic for all birds that become ill and where a definite diagnosis is difficult.  Effective against E. coli (Enteritis), Mycoplasma (Chronic Respiratory Disease) and Chlamydia (Psittacosis), Triple C is also useful as a prevention for Psittacosis.

Triple C can be administered in either food or water. However, Triple C should not be mixed in water that contains any other products. The effectiveness of Triple C will be reduced if calcium supplements are present in a bird’s diet.  Calcium supplements should be discontinued during antibiotic treatment.

After a course of Triple C, a probotic should be administered to re-establish gut flora.

Active Constituent: 100mg/g Chlortetracycline hydrochloride.